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Name | XI'an VANKE Co.life Experience Center

项目名称 | 西安万科未来星光Co.life体验中心       

Area | 1487㎡

项目面积 | 1487㎡     

Location | Xi'an, China

项目地址 | 中国 西安    

Client | Xi'an VANKE

开发单位 | 西安万科 

Xi'an does not need an imaginary history, nor does it need an imaginary life. The daily life of Xi'an people changes from generation to generation over the centuries, like a projector rolling on film, ever so noisy, confusing and fascinating. Historical traditions are the "hotbeds" that embrace and nurture culture, and as generations change, new propositions are constantly derived from the circumstances of the times. The collision between the literati and the "Generation Z", the collision between the old antiques and the "latest and most trendy", the young group is redefining this thousand-year-old city with new consumption habits, lifestyles and aesthetic tendencies.

西安XI'AN 不需要想象的历史,也不需要想象的生活。千百年间一代又一代西安人变迁的日常,如同放映机开启胶片滚动,永远那么嘈杂、迷乱而又魅力惊人。历史传统是包容和孕育文化的“温床”,代际更迭,不断衍生着时代环境给予的新命题。骚客文人与“Z世代”的交圈,老古董与“最IN最潮”的碰撞,年轻群体正在以全新的消费习惯、生活方式和审美趋向,重新定义着这座千年古城。